Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Twinny Arrives

So today I ventured to Harlem to meet up with a dear friend also known as my twin Hannah! she is originally from Australia and is doing exchange in Toronto. So I geared up with my map, lonely planet and her address and found the apartment she was meant to be staying at. The bottom floor was a fish & chip store so naturally I got a bit nostalgic for home and I waited and waited and waited and since she didnt have a phone I had to find wifi to facebook her then I decided best she finds me.

Finally I get a message hours later that her bus had been delayed never the less we met up for dinner with all her exchange peeps a sweet majority from Perth haha. We headed to Benny's Burritos for some delightful mexican and epic frozen cocktails my favourite was pink lemonade and vodka margarita! Pink lemonade is my favourite drink here it is traditional lemonade with raspberry oh so sweet & sour!

Margaritaville my favourite of all the ville's!

I ordered a traditional Burrito with Jamaican Jerk Chicken because its fun to say lets be honest...and it was even more fun to eat! (photos to follow when I am back in NYC) The chicken was tender and the sauce was a mild BBQ flavour. A traditional Burritto has mexican rice and black beans. My new love here are black beans they are a traditional mexican bean smaller than the red kidney bean with more of a salty taste and they can be used in anything and make a delicious soup. 

Once again I was overly satisfied and rolled my self out of the joint to get some sleep before I put on my tour guide cap.


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